10 reasons to love travel

By blasterbliss Apr 16, 2024 #reasons #travel

Social media may be the ideal medium for showcasing the world’s beauty to armchair travelers worldwide in today’s tech-obsessed society, but travel is about so much more than just taking the ideal Instagram picture. Travel need to have purpose. It should challenge and enlighten you, revitalize and re-establish you, thrill and inspire you, and above all, humble you.

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Our best tales, our most treasured experiences, and many priceless lessons that we might choose to share with others come from travel. It expands our perspectives, teaches us more about ourselves and one another, and, like a reset button, makes us refocus on the things that are truly important.

1. Travel to have a positive impact on the world

Having had the good fortune to work and travel with &BEYOND for over 13 years, our company’s ethics and steadfast dedication to protecting the environment, animals, and people are what most motivate me. I have had the incredible opportunity to actively participate in a plethora of unforgettable and profoundly meaningful experiences thanks to traveling with &BEYOND. Some of these experiences include: seeing an endangered rhinoceros be safely relocated; seeing an elephant cow being collared for research and monitoring purposes; assisting in the relocation of a vulnerable nest laid by a massive and extremely endangered sea turtle; spending the night in a traditional Maasai manyatta (homestead); and much more. With the genuine, immersive travel offered by &BEYOND, visitors may not only take part, interact, and learn, but also travel with a purpose and contribute to improving the world.

2. Visit other cultures through travel

We learn to love and cherish both our similarities and our differences via travel, which exposes us to many cultures and historical customs. We learn about mankind and develop an appreciation, comprehension, and respect for various viewpoints and lifestyles via travel.

3. Take a learning trip

Traveling is the finest method to become fully immersed in a variety of subjects, including biology, gastronomy, languages, geography, history, and culture. Experiences outside the pages of a travel guide or textbook broaden our horizons and impart knowledge. Curious travelers not only discover new cultures, languages, and landscapes; they also acquire interesting information while witnessing wild creatures in their natural environment; they explore a region’s history and sample its cuisine; and, most importantly, they discover new aspects of themselves and one another.

4. Using travel to get away from reality

Everybody needs to occasionally disappear from view and escape reality. We can have total privacy when visiting uncharted territory. It allows us to be anybody, travel anywhere, and do anything, giving us complete freedom to live in the present. The ability to just wake up, select a destination anywhere on the globe, and figure out a way to get there was the nicest part of my last six-month trip across the world. We might be impulsive and seek out novel experiences when we travel.

5. Take a trip to unwind

Since we are time-pressed and reliant on technology, it is rare that we take the time to unwind and completely disconnect from the outside world. We may escape the rigors of everyday life, including tragedies, deadlines, and pressures, and we can decompress by traveling. In order to reconnect (with ourselves, each other, and the natural world), it urges us to fully unplug and recharge (from our phones, Wi-Fi, emails, computers, social media, etc.).

6. Journey to discover

We are inspired to see, taste, and experience new things when we travel and step outside of our comfort zones. It continuously tests our ability to interact with other individuals, accept new experiences as they arise, adapt to and explore new environments, and share exciting new moments with friends and family. Travel allows us to discover with an open heart and mind, regardless of whether our goals are extreme relaxation and siestas or nonstop action and excitement.

7. Journey to gain humility

Traveling is unquestionably a crash school in humility. We acquire genuine perspective when we go across borders and seas. We develop an awareness of and appreciation for all the things we take for granted in our own lives, as well as a respect and admiration for the lives of others. Above all, travel humbles us by teaching us to be understanding, adaptable, and open-minded.

8. Go out to dine

A diet is one item you’ll never see on a recommended packing list. Don’t bring it home! Just remember to pack a hearty appetite and be open to trying out all the regional specialties and flavors. Recall that dessert is usually a good idea and that mimosas are entirely appropriate for breakfast. Enjoy, return for more, and work out when you get home.

9. Journey to become altered

Don’t only take trips for their own sake. To feel alive and in search of adventure, travel. Engage in real experiences that will alter your perspective on the world and inspire introspection, environmental consciousness, and international action to save and preserve it.

10. Take a trip to fulfill your lifelong ambitions

Every traveler has a unique bucket list. If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. Whether your ambition is to see the Great Migration and Africa’s Big Five, to snowshoe on the edge of an active volcano, or to rediscover your Zen on a yoga retreat in the Himalayas. Traveling is the finest medicine, and we hope it never stops inspiring us, making us all become passionate stewards of our beautiful world, and taking our breath away.

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